Gigi Cowan-Bondick - Community Volunteer

About Gigi Cowan-Bondick

Massachusetts resident Gigi Cowan-Bondick maintains a strong connection to her local community through involvement in a number of nonprofit organizations. A member of the Concord Carlisle Community Chest (CCCC) for the past several years, she has guided a team in allocations decisions. Gigi Cowan-Bondick and her fellow volunteers interview and screen potential grant recipients and decide on how much assistance each applying agency should receive. Over the past few months, she has been an integral member of a search committee that selected and hired a new CCCC executive director.

Ms. Cowan-Bondick possesses a background in law. After completing a JD at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, she held a corporate compliance position as an attorney with Dallas-based ENSCO International. In this role, she handled issues related to domestic personnel working on the company’s Gulf of Mexico-based supply boats and drilling rigs. Gigi Cowan-Bondick continues to engage in legal activities through pro bono counsel for people with family and domestic law issues.